Field | Type | Label | Description |
regex | string | optional | Uses a Golang RE2-syntax regex to match the field contents. |
int_gt | int64 | optional | Field value of integer strictly greater than this value. |
int_lt | int64 | optional | Field value of integer strictly smaller than this value. |
msg_exists | bool | optional | Used for nested message types, requires that the message type exists. |
human_error | string | optional | Human error specifies a user-customizable error that is visible to the user. |
float_gt | double | optional | Field value of double strictly greater than this value. Note that this value can only take on a valid floating point value. Use together with float_epsilon if you need something more specific. |
float_lt | double | optional | Field value of double strictly smaller than this value. Note that this value can only take on a valid floating point value. Use together with float_epsilon if you need something more specific. |
float_epsilon | double | optional | Field value of double describing the epsilon within which any comparison should be considered to be true. For example, when using float_gt = 0.35, using a float_epsilon of 0.05 would mean that any value above 0.30 is acceptable. It can be thought of as a {float_value_condition} +- {float_epsilon}. If unset, no correction for floating point inaccuracies in comparisons will be attempted. |
float_gte | double | optional | Floating-point value compared to which the field content should be greater or equal. |
float_lte | double | optional | Floating-point value compared to which the field content should be smaller or equal. |
string_not_empty | bool | optional | Used for string fields, requires the string to be not empty (i.e different from ""). |
repeated_count_min | int64 | optional | Repeated field with at least this number of elements. |
repeated_count_max | int64 | optional | Repeated field with at most this number of elements. |
length_gt | int64 | optional | Field value of length greater than this value. |
length_lt | int64 | optional | Field value of length smaller than this value. |
length_eq | int64 | optional | Field value of length strictly equal to this value. |
is_in_enum | bool | optional | Requires that the value is in the enum. |
uuid_ver | int32 | optional | Ensures that a string value is in UUID format. uuid_ver specifies the valid UUID versions. Valid values are: 0-5. If uuid_ver is 0 all UUID versions are accepted. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
required | bool | optional | Require that one of the oneof fields is set. |
Extension | Type | Base | Number | Description |
field | FieldValidator | .google.protobuf.FieldOptions | 65020 | |
oneof | OneofValidator | .google.protobuf.OneofOptions | 65021 |
Similar to the BlastDbParams except the sequence chunks
Field | Type | Label | Description |
file_name | string | name of the sequence file |
taxon_id | string | ncbi taxonid of the organism |
name | string | name of the database |
title | string | human readable description of the database |
seqtype | string | Type of sequence, nucleotide or protein |
Field | Validations |
taxon_id |
name |
title |
seqtype |
Various parameters required for creating a blast database
Field | Type | Label | Description |
seq_chunk | bytes | sequence needed for database, provided in chunks |
taxon_id | string | ncbi taxonid of the organism |
name | string | name of the database |
title | string | human readable description of the database |
seqtype | string | Type of sequence, nucleotide or protein |
Field | Validations |
taxon_id |
name |
title |
seqtype |
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
CreateBlastDb | BlastDbRequest stream | .google.protobuf.Empty | Create a blast database from the provided sequence |
FileUploadRequest defines requests parameters for uploading
a file through protocol buffer. The file is expected to be uploaded
grpc client side streaming
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | name of the file |
content | bytes | content of the file, expected to be streamed in chunk |
FileUploadResponse defines response received after completion of
file upload
Field | Type | Label | Description |
status | FileUploadResponse.Status | Status gives the status after file upload |
msg | string | message send by the server after file upload |
Name | Number | Description |
CREATED | 0 | a new file |
UPDATED | 1 | an existing file |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | unique identifier for the annotation |
group_id | string | unique identifier of a group |
Field | Validations |
id |
group_id |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | unique identifier for the annotation |
Field | Validations |
id |
Identifiers for grouping list of tagged annotations
Field | Type | Label | Description |
ids | string | repeated | list of unique identifiers |
Field | Validations |
ids |
Definition of annotation tag
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | tag identifier |
name | string | human readable name |
ontology | string | ontology to which this tag belong |
is_obsolete | bool | status for active or retired tag |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | unique identifier for the annotation |
purge | bool | flag to indicate whether the entry will be wiped or turned obsolete(soft delete) |
Field | Validations |
id |
Definition for various fields that are needed for fetching annotation for an
entry. The tag, ontology and entry_id must be provided, version and rank are
optional and their default values are used.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
tag | string | An identifiable tagname for the annotation, primarily a structured tag, generally an ontology term. |
entry_id | string | unique identifier of a biological entity that is being annotated |
ontology | string | Name of ontology in which the tag name is taken |
rank | int64 | Ordering of annotation when an entry has multiple annotations with identical tag from the same ontology. By default, rank 0 is assumed. |
is_obsolete | bool | Status for active or retired annotation. Active annotation is chosen by default. |
Field | Validations |
tag |
entry_id |
ontology |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
group_id | string | unique identifier of a group |
Field | Validations |
group_id |
ListGroupParameters defines fields for manipulating output of TaggedAnnotationGroupCollection collection
Field | Type | Label | Description |
cursor | int64 | A unique pointer to the next set of result in the list |
limit | int64 | Maximum number of records that can be fetch per request |
filter | string | The `filter` field restricts the data return by the collection. To use it, supply one or multiple allowed fields to filter followed by a filter expression. It uses the following syntax... field_name operator expression The following fields of `AnnotationAttributes` definition are allowed to be used for filtering * entry_id - The entry that is being annotated (string) * created_by - Email id of the user (string) * tag - Tag name, a term from an ontology (string). * ontology - Ontology that provides the tag names (string). * rank - Ordering of annotation (number). operator - Defines the type of filter match to use. It could be any of the following four and all of them should be URL-encoded for http request. Operators for strings =~ Contains substring !~ Not contains substring === Equals !== Not equals Operators for numbers == Equals != Not equals > Greater than < Less than =< Less than equal to >= Greater than equal to expression - The value that will be included or excluded from the result. URL-reserved characters must be URL-encoded for http request. filter: "" filter: "entry_id==DDB_G4839483" filter: "tag==growth" Filter can be combined using OR or AND boolean logic. * The OR is represented using a comma(,). * The AND is represented using a semi-colon(;). * AND and OR operators can be combined and AND takes precedence over OR. filter: "tag~cytoskeletion;entry_id==DDB_G4839783;ontology==cellular" filter: "tag~membrane;entry_id==DDB_G4839783;ontology==cellular;rank=0" |
ListParameters defines fields for manipulating output of TaggedAnnotation collection
Field | Type | Label | Description |
cursor | int64 | A unique pointer to the next set of result in the list |
limit | int64 | Maximum number of records that can be fetch per request |
filter | string | The `filter` field restricts the data return by the collection. To use it, supply one or multiple allowed fields to filter followed by a filter expression. It uses the following syntax... field_name operator expression The following fields of `AnnotationAttributes` definition are allowed to be used for filtering * entry_id - The entry that is being annotated (string) * value - The annotation in plain text format (string) * created_by - Email id of the user (string) * tag - Tag name, a term from an ontology (string). * ontology - Ontology that provides the tag names (string). * version - Version no (number). * value - annotation in plain text format (number). operator - Defines the type of filter match to use. It could be any of the following four and all of them should be URL-encoded for http request. Operators for strings =~ Contains substring !~ Not contains substring === Equals !== Not equals Operators for numbers == Equals != Not equals > Greater than < Less than =< Less than equal to >= Greater than equal to expression - The value that will be included or excluded from the result. URL-reserved characters must be URL-encoded for http request. filter: "" filter: "entry_id==DDB_G4839483" filter: "value~actin" Filter can be combined using OR or AND boolean logic. * The OR is represented using a comma(,). * The AND is represented using a semi-colon(;). * AND and OR operators can be combined and AND takes precedence over OR. filter: "value~cytoskeletion;tag==cell membrane;ontology==cellular" |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
next_cursor | int64 | A unique pointer to the next set of result in the collection. Set the cursor value parameter to the value of next_cursor to retrieve the next set of collection using the same method |
limit | int64 | Maximum number of records that can be fetch per request |
Definition for creating a new tagged annotation
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | NewTaggedAnnotation.Data |
Field | Validations |
data |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string | resource name, by default should be annotation |
attributes | NewTaggedAnnotationAttributes |
NewTaggedAnnotation defines attributes for creating a new annotation
Field | Type | Label | Description |
value | string | annotation in plain text format |
editable_value | string | serialized text content in a format recognized by frontend rich text editor |
created_by | string | Unique identifier(generally email) of the user who created the annotation |
tag | string | An identifiable tagname for the annotation, primarily a structured tag, generally an ontology term. |
entry_id | string | unique identifier of a biological entity that is being annotated |
ontology | string | Name of ontology from which the tag name is taken |
rank | int64 | Ordering of annotation when an entry has multiple annotations with identical tag from the same ontology. By default, rank 0 is used. |
Field | Validations |
value |
created_by |
tag |
entry_id |
ontology |
Definition of various fields needed to fetch a tag information
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | human readable name |
ontology | string | ontology to which this tag belong |
is_obsolete | bool | status for active or retired tag |
Field | Validations |
name |
ontology |
Definition of an tag value based biological annotation where the tag always
represents a term from ontology.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | TaggedAnnotation.Data |
Field | Validations |
data |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string | resource name, by default should be annotation |
id | string | unique identifier for the annotation |
attributes | TaggedAnnotationAttributes |
Definition of various tagged annotation attributes
Field | Type | Label | Description |
value | string | annotation in plain text format |
editable_value | string | serialized text content in a format recognized by frontend rich text editor |
created_by | string | Unique identifier(generally email) of the user who created the annotation |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Timestamp for creation |
tag | string | An identifiable tagname for the annotation, primarily a structured tag, generally an ontology term. |
version | int64 | version refers to the current version no |
entry_id | string | unique identifier of a biological entity that is being annotated |
ontology | string | Name of ontology in which the tag name is taken |
rank | int64 | Ordering of annotation when an entry has multiple annotations with identical tag from the same ontology. |
is_obsolete | bool | Status for active or retired annotation |
Field | Validations |
value |
created_by |
created_at |
tag |
version |
entry_id |
ontology |
List of paginated tagged annotations
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | TaggedAnnotationCollection.Data | repeated |
meta | Meta |
Field | Validations |
meta |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string | resource name, by default should be annotation |
id | string | unique identifier for the annotation |
attributes | TaggedAnnotationAttributes |
Group of tagged annotations
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | TaggedAnnotationGroup.Data | repeated |
group_id | string | unique identifier for the annotation group |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Timestamp for creation an update |
updated_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp |
Field | Validations |
created_at |
updated_at |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string | resource name, by default should be annotation |
id | string | unique identifier for the annotation |
attributes | TaggedAnnotationAttributes |
List of tagged annotation groups
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | TaggedAnnotationGroupCollection.Data | repeated |
meta | Meta |
Field | Validations |
meta |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string | resource name, by default it should be annotation group |
group | TaggedAnnotationGroup |
Definition for updating an existing annotation
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | TaggedAnnotationUpdate.Data |
Field | Validations |
data |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string | resource name, by default should be annotation |
id | string | unique identifier for the annotation |
attributes | TaggedAnnotationUpdateAttributes |
Field | Validations |
id |
TaggedUpdateAnnotation defines attributes for updating an existing annotation
Field | Type | Label | Description |
value | string | annotation in plain text format |
editable_value | string | serialized text content in a format recognized by frontend rich text editor |
created_by | string | Unique identifier(generally email) of the user who created the annotation |
Field | Validations |
value |
editable_value |
created_by |
The tagged annotation service specification
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
GetAnnotation | AnnotationId | TaggedAnnotation | Retrieves the specified tagged annotation |
GetEntryAnnotation | EntryAnnotationRequest | TaggedAnnotation | Retrieves a single tagged annotation associated with a specific entry |
ListAnnotations | ListParameters | TaggedAnnotationCollection | List tagged annotations using pagination, ten entries are retrieved by default |
CreateAnnotation | NewTaggedAnnotation | TaggedAnnotation | Create a tagged annotation |
UpdateAnnotation | TaggedAnnotationUpdate | TaggedAnnotation | Update an existing annotation, in this case a new annotation entry is created with a link to the previous annotation(copy on write). |
DeleteAnnotation | DeleteAnnotationRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Delete an existing annotation |
CreateAnnotationGroup | AnnotationIdList | TaggedAnnotationGroup | Creates an annotation group from bunch of existing tagged annotations. |
GetAnnotationGroup | GroupEntryId | TaggedAnnotationGroup | Retrieves an annotation group |
AddToAnnotationGroup | AnnotationGroupId | TaggedAnnotationGroup | Adds an existing annotation into an existing annotation group |
DeleteAnnotationGroup | GroupEntryId | .google.protobuf.Empty | Remove an annotation group |
ListAnnotationGroups | ListGroupParameters | TaggedAnnotationGroupCollection | List tagged annotation groups using pagination, ten entries are retrieved by default |
GetAnnotationTag | TagRequest | AnnotationTag | Retrieves tag information |
OboJSONFileUpload | .dictybase.api.upload.FileUploadRequest stream | .dictybase.api.upload.FileUploadResponse | Upload obojson formatted file through client side streaming |
A [resource identifier object](
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string | The resource name. |
id | int64 | Unique id. |
Definition for resource identifier collection objects.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | int64 |
data | Data | repeated |
A container for http links.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
self | string | A http link. It points to the resource itself. |
related | string | A http link. It points to a related resource. |
Top level meta container.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
pagination | Pagination |
A container for various pagination properties
Field | Type | Label | Description |
records | int64 | Total number of entries, regardless of pages. |
total | int64 | Total number of pages. |
size | int64 | Number of entries per page. |
number | int64 | Current page number. |
A container for pagination links.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
self | string | A http link to the resource itself. |
next | string | A http link to the next page of data. |
prev | string | A http link to the previous page of data. |
last | string | A http link to the last page of data. |
first | string | A http link to the first page of data. |
A `DeleteRequest` defines the url parameter that must be passed
to remove a singular resource.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | int64 | An unique identifier, for example: "/users/34" |
ExistResponse wraps a boolean response
Field | Type | Label | Description |
exist | bool | exist or non-existant |
A `GetEmailRequest` is identical to GetRequest except `email` id used as unique identifier.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
string | Email id "/users/" |
include | string | include query parameter to retrieve any particular or particular combination of relationships. Multiple include values are delimited by comma(,). For example, /{resource_name}/13?include=baz /{resource_name}/13?include=baz,bot |
fields | string | fields query parameter to retrieve any particular or any particular combination of attributes. Multiple fields values are delimited by comma(,). For example, /{resource_name}/29?fields=foo /{resource_name}/?fields=foo,bar |
A `GetRequest` defines various url and query parameters that could be passed
in a HTTP **GET** request to a singular resource. Majority of the request
parameters are identical or similar to [jsonapi](
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | int64 | An unique identifier, for example: "/users/34" |
include | string | include query parameter to retrieve any particular or particular combination of relationships. Multiple include values are delimited by comma(,). For example, /{resource_name}/13?include=baz /{resource_name}/13?include=baz,bot |
fields | string | fields query parameter to retrieve any particular or any particular combination of attributes. Multiple fields values are delimited by comma(,). For example /{resource_name}/29?fields=foo /{resource_name}/?fields=foo,bar |
A `GetRequestWithFields` is a subset of GetRequest which only allow the fields parameter.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | int64 | An unique identifier, for example: "/users/34" |
fields | string | fields query parameter to retrieve any particular or any particular combination of attributes. Multiple fields values are delimited by comma(,). For example /{resource_name}/29?fields=foo /{resource_name}/?fields=foo,bar |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | int64 |
Field | Validations |
id |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | int64 | An unique identifier |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | int64 | An unique identifier |
A `ListRequest` defines various url and query parameters that could be
passed in a HTTP **GET** request to a collection resource. All collection
resources are expected to support pagination. Majority of the request
parameters are identical or similar to [jsonapi](
Field | Type | Label | Description |
include | string | include query parameter to retrieve any particular or particular combination of relationships. Multiple include values are delimited by comma(,). For example, /{resource_name}/13?include=baz /{resource_name}/13?include=baz,bot |
fields | string | fields query parameter to retrieve any particular or any particular combination of attributes. Multiple fields values are delimited by comma(,). For example /{resource_name}/29?fields=foo /{resource_name}/?fields=foo,bar |
pagenum | int64 | The page number to fetch |
pagesize | int64 | Number of records per page |
filter | string | The `filter` query parameter restricts the data return by the collection. To use it, supply an attribute to filter, followed by a filter expression. It uses the following syntax... attribute operator expression attribute - Any one of the valid attribute of the resource. operator - Defines the type of filter match to use. It could be any of the following four and all of them should be URL-encoded. == Equals (URL encoding is %3D%3D) != Not equals =@ Contains substring !@ Not contains substring expression - The value that will be included or excluded from the result. URL-reserved characters must be URL-encoded. For example, the following filter returns all users with last name `Gag`. /users?filter=last_name%3D%3Dgag Filter can be combined using OR or AND boolean logic. * The OR is represented using a comma(,). * The AND is represented using a semi-colon(;). * AND and OR operators can be combined and AND takes precedence over OR. |
A `RelationshipRequest` defines the url parameter for relationship resources
that are given in the links field of relationship object
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | int64 | An unique identifier, for example: "/users/45/roles" or "/users/45/relationships/roles" |
A `RelationshipRequestWithPagination` is a `RelationshipRequest` with pagination
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | int64 |
pagenum | int64 |
pagesize | int64 |
A `SimpleListRequest` is identical to `ListRequest` except it does not support
pagination. The rest of the parameters are identical to `ListRequest` definition.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
include | string | include query parameter to retrieve any particular or particular combination of relationships. Multiple include values are delimited by comma(,). For example, /{resource_name}/13?include=baz /{resource_name}/13?include=baz,bot |
fields | string | fields query parameter to retrieve any particular or any particular combination of attributes. Multiple fields values are delimited by comma(,). For example /{resource_name}/29?fields=foo /{resource_name}/?fields=foo,bar |
filter | string | The `filter` query parameter restricts the data return by the collection. To use it, supply an attribute to filter, followed by a filter expression. It uses the following syntax... attribute operator expression attribute - Any one of the valid attribute of the resource. operator - Defines the type of filter match to use. It could be any of the following four and all of them should be URL-encoded. == Equals (URL encoding is %3D%3D) != Not equals =@ Contains substring !@ Not contains substring expression - The value that will be included or excluded from the result. URL-reserved characters must be URL-encoded. For example, the following filter returns all users with last name `Gag`. /users?filter=last_name%3D%3Dgag Filter can be combined using OR or AND boolean logic. * The OR is represented using a comma(,). * The AND is represented using a semi-colon(;). * AND and OR operators can be combined and AND takes precedence over OR. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | CreateIdentityReq.Data |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string | resource name |
attributes | NewIdentityAttributes |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | IdentityData |
links | dictybase.api.jsonapi.Links |
Definition for various fields
Field | Type | Label | Description |
identifier | string | An unique identifier provided by the third party. Generally it's an email id, however it could be something else specifically provided by an provider. |
provider | string | Name of the provider, for example, orcid, google, facebook etc. |
user_id | int64 | The id of the user to which this identity is connected. This id could be used to fetch a complete user response from the user service |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Timestamp for creation and update |
updated_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string | The resource name |
id | int64 | Unique id |
attributes | IdentityAttributes |
links | dictybase.api.jsonapi.Links |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
identifier | string | An unique identifier provided by the third party. Generally it's an email id, however it could be something else specifically provided by an provider. |
provider | string | Name of the provider, for example, orcid, google, facebook etc. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
identifier | string | An unique identifier provided by the third party. Generally it's an email id, however it could be something else specifically provided by an provider. |
provider | string | Name of the provider, for example, orcid, google, facebook etc. |
user_id | int64 | The id of the user to which this identity is connected. This id could be used to fetch a complete user response from the user service |
The content service definition
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
GetIdentityFromProvider | IdentityProviderReq | Identity | Gets the specified identity |
GetIdentity | .dictybase.api.jsonapi.IdRequest | Identity | |
ExistProviderIdentity | IdentityProviderReq | .dictybase.api.jsonapi.ExistResponse | |
CreateIdentity | CreateIdentityReq | Identity | Create a new identity |
DeleteIdentity | .dictybase.api.jsonapi.IdRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Delete an existing identity |
Healthz | .dictybase.api.jsonapi.HealthzIdRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Basic health check that always return success |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | CreatePermissionRequest.Data |
The payload for new user
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string |
attributes | PermissionAttributes |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | CreateRoleRequest.Data |
The payload for new role
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string |
attributes | RoleAttributes |
relationships | NewRoleRelationships |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | CreateUserRequest.Data |
The payload for new user
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string |
attributes | UserAttributes |
relationships | NewUserRelationships |
The relationship definition for existing roles.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
permissions | ExistingRoleRelationships.Permissions |
users | ExistingRoleRelationships.Users |
Relationships with permission definition.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
links | dictybase.api.jsonapi.Links |
data | dictybase.api.jsonapi.Data | repeated |
Relationships with user definition.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
links | dictybase.api.jsonapi.Links |
data | dictybase.api.jsonapi.Data | repeated |
The relationship definition for existing users.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
roles | ExistingUserRelationships.Roles |
Relationships with role resource.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
links | dictybase.api.jsonapi.Links | Http links with role resource. |
data | dictybase.api.jsonapi.Data | repeated | A role [resource identifier object]( |
The relationship definition for creating new roles.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
permissions | NewRoleRelationships.Permissions |
users | NewRoleRelationships.Users |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | dictybase.api.jsonapi.Data | repeated |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | dictybase.api.jsonapi.Data | repeated |
The relationship definition for creating new users.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
roles | NewUserRelationships.Roles |
Relationships with role resource.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | dictybase.api.jsonapi.Data | repeated | A role [resource identifier object]( |
A resource for managing user permission.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | PermissionData |
links | dictybase.api.jsonapi.Links |
A container for permission fields.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
permission | string | Kind of permission, for example read, write, admin etc. |
description | string | Brief description of the type of permission. |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Timestamp for creation and update |
updated_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp |
resource | string | Resource(object) on which this permission is granted |
A permission collection resource.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | PermissionData | repeated |
links | dictybase.api.jsonapi.Links |
A top level container for permission data.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string | The resource name. |
id | int64 | Unique id. |
attributes | PermissionAttributes |
links | dictybase.api.jsonapi.Links |
A definition for managing user roles.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | RoleData |
links | dictybase.api.jsonapi.Links |
included | google.protobuf.Any | repeated |
A container for role fields.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
role | string |
description | string |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Timestamp for creation and update |
updated_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp |
A role collection definition.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | RoleData | repeated |
links | dictybase.api.jsonapi.Links |
included | google.protobuf.Any | repeated |
A top level container for role data.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string |
id | int64 |
attributes | RoleAttributes |
links | dictybase.api.jsonapi.Links |
relationships | ExistingRoleRelationships |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | UpdatePermissionRequest.Data |
id | int64 | Unique id, required |
update_mask | google.protobuf.FieldMask | An optional mask specifying which fields to update. Presence of this field allow partial updates. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string |
id | int64 |
attributes | PermissionAttributes |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | UpdateRoleRequest.Data |
id | int64 | Unique id, required |
update_mask | google.protobuf.FieldMask | An optional mask specifying which fields to update. Presence of this field allow partial updates. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string |
id | int64 |
attributes | RoleAttributes |
relationships | ExistingRoleRelationships |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | UpdateUserRequest.Data |
id | int64 | Unique id, required |
update_mask | google.protobuf.FieldMask | An optional mask specifying which fields to update. Presence of this field allow partial updates. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string |
id | int64 |
attributes | UserAttributes |
relationships | ExistingUserRelationships |
A user resource.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | UserData |
links | dictybase.api.jsonapi.Links |
included | google.protobuf.Any | repeated |
A container for user fields.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
first_name | string | First name. |
last_name | string | Last name. |
string | Email. |
organization | string | Organization in which the user belong. |
group_name | string | Group in which the user belong. |
first_address | string | Address. |
second_address | string | More address. |
city | string | City. |
state | string | State. |
zipcode | string | Zipcode. |
country | string | Country. |
phone | string | Phone no. |
is_active | bool | Current status of user. |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Timestamp for creation and update |
updated_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp |
A user collection resource.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | UserData | repeated |
links | dictybase.api.jsonapi.PaginationLinks |
meta | dictybase.api.jsonapi.Meta |
included | google.protobuf.Any | repeated |
A top level container for user data.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string | The resource name. |
id | int64 | Unique id. |
attributes | UserAttributes |
links | dictybase.api.jsonapi.Links |
relationships | ExistingUserRelationships |
The permission service definition
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
GetPermission | .dictybase.api.jsonapi.GetRequestWithFields | Permission | Gets the specified permission |
ListPermissions | .dictybase.api.jsonapi.SimpleListRequest | PermissionCollection | List all permissions |
CreatePermission | CreatePermissionRequest | Permission | Create an permission |
UpdatePermission | UpdatePermissionRequest | Permission | Update an permission |
DeletePermission | .dictybase.api.jsonapi.DeleteRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Delete an permission |
The role service definition
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
GetRole | .dictybase.api.jsonapi.GetRequest | Role | Gets the specified role |
GetRelatedUsers | .dictybase.api.jsonapi.RelationshipRequestWithPagination | UserCollection | Gets all related users |
GetRelatedPermissions | .dictybase.api.jsonapi.RelationshipRequest | PermissionCollection | Gets all related permissions |
ListRoles | .dictybase.api.jsonapi.SimpleListRequest | RoleCollection | List all roles. Both *users* and *permissions* relationships are allowed in the include parameter. |
CreateRole | CreateRoleRequest | Role | Create an role |
CreateUserRelationship | .dictybase.api.jsonapi.DataCollection | .google.protobuf.Empty | Create user relationship with role |
CreatePermissionRelationship | .dictybase.api.jsonapi.DataCollection | .google.protobuf.Empty | Create permission relationship with role |
UpdateRole | UpdateRoleRequest | Role | Update an role |
UpdateUserRelationship | .dictybase.api.jsonapi.DataCollection | .google.protobuf.Empty | Update existing user relationship with role |
UpdatePermissionRelationship | .dictybase.api.jsonapi.DataCollection | .google.protobuf.Empty | Update existing permission relationship with role |
DeleteRole | .dictybase.api.jsonapi.DeleteRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Delete an role |
DeleteUserRelationship | .dictybase.api.jsonapi.DataCollection | .google.protobuf.Empty | Delete existing user relationship with role |
DeletePermissionRelationship | .dictybase.api.jsonapi.DataCollection | .google.protobuf.Empty | Delete existing permission relationship with role |
The user service definition
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
ExistUser | .dictybase.api.jsonapi.IdRequest | .dictybase.api.jsonapi.ExistResponse | Check the existence of user |
GetUser | .dictybase.api.jsonapi.GetRequest | User | Gets the specified user |
GetUserByEmail | .dictybase.api.jsonapi.GetEmailRequest | User | Gets the specified user by their email id |
GetRelatedRoles | .dictybase.api.jsonapi.RelationshipRequest | RoleCollection | Gets all related roles |
ListUsers | .dictybase.api.jsonapi.ListRequest | UserCollection | List all users. Only *roles* relationship is allowed for inclusion. |
CreateUser | CreateUserRequest | User | Create an user |
CreateRoleRelationship | .dictybase.api.jsonapi.DataCollection | .google.protobuf.Empty | Create relationship links with roles |
UpdateUser | UpdateUserRequest | User | |
UpdateRoleRelationship | .dictybase.api.jsonapi.DataCollection | .google.protobuf.Empty | Update relationship links with roles |
DeleteUser | .dictybase.api.jsonapi.DeleteRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Delete an user |
DeleteRoleRelationship | .dictybase.api.jsonapi.DataCollection | .google.protobuf.Empty | Delete relationship links with roles |
Healthz | .dictybase.api.jsonapi.HealthzIdRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Basic health check that always return success |
Definition of an individual auth response
Field | Type | Label | Description |
token | string | JSON Web Token (JWT) |
refresh_token | string | Refresh token |
identity | dictybase.identity.Identity | Identity of user |
user | dictybase.user.User | User API data |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
client_id | string | Client ID received during application registration from every provider |
scopes | string | Scope of the application |
state | string | An unguessable random string. It is used to protect against cross-site request forgery attacks. It is passed to the provider during first login. |
redirect_url | string | The URL in the application where users will be sent after authorization, generally provided during the registration of the application. |
code | string | The code that is received as response from the first login |
provider | string | Third party oAuth provider |
Field | Validations |
client_id |
scopes |
state |
redirect_url |
code |
provider |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
refresh_token | string | Refresh token (unique ID) |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
refresh_token | string | Refresh token |
Field | Validations |
refresh_token |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
token | string | JSON Web Token (JWT) |
refresh_token | string | Refresh token (unique ID) |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
token | string | JSON Web Token (JWT) |
refresh_token | string | Refresh token (unique ID) |
The auth service specification
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
Login | NewLogin | Auth | Logs user into authserver |
Relogin | NewRelogin | Auth | Logs user into authserver |
GetRefreshToken | NewToken | Token | Retrieves new refresh token and JWT |
Logout | NewRefreshToken | .google.protobuf.Empty | Logs user out of authserver |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | ContentData |
Definition of various content fields
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | page name |
slug | string | page slug. Look here to know about slug |
created_by | string | email id of the user who created the content |
updated_by | string | email id of the user who updated the content |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Timestamp for creation and update |
updated_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp |
content | string | serialized page content(for example serialized draft js object) |
namespace | string | namespace for the page |
List of paginated contentz
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | ContentCollection.Data | repeated |
meta | Meta |
Field | Validations |
meta |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | unique identifier for the annotation |
attributes | ContentAttributes |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string | The resource name |
id | int64 | Unique id |
attributes | ContentAttributes |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | int64 | Unique id to identify content |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
slug | string | Url slug Look here to know about slug The slug name should be unique |
Fields that can be updated
Changing either or both of name and namespace
attributes alter the slug for the page
Field | Type | Label | Description |
updated_by | string | email id of the user who is updating this content |
content | string | serialized page content(for example serialized draft js object) |
Field | Validations |
updated_by |
content |
ListParameters defines fields for manipulating output of Content collection
Field | Type | Label | Description |
cursor | int64 | A unique pointer to the next set of result in the list |
limit | int64 | Maximum number of records that can be fetch per request |
filter | string | The `filter` field restricts the data return by the collection. To use it, supply one or multiple allowed fields to filter followed by a filter expression. It uses the following syntax... field_name operator expression The following fields of `ContentAttributes` definition are allowed to be used for filtering * name - page name (string). * slug - page slug (string). * namespace - page namespace (string). * created_by - Email id of the user (string) operator - Defines the type of filter match to use. It could be any of the following four and all of them should be URL-encoded for http request. Operators for strings =~ Contains substring !~ Not contains substring === Equals !== Not equals expression - The value that will be included or excluded from the result. URL-reserved characters must be URL-encoded for http request. filter: "name===annotation" filter: "slug=~frontpage" filter: "namespace===dsc" Filter can be combined using OR or AND boolean logic. * The OR is represented using a comma(,). * The AND is represented using a semi-colon(;). * AND and OR operators can be combined and AND takes precedence over OR. filter: "name~gallery;namespace===stockcenter;slug===intro" |
Metadata definition for traversing the collection
Field | Type | Label | Description |
next_cursor | int64 | A unique pointer to the next set of result in the collection. Set the cursor value parameter to the value of next_cursor to retrieve the next set of collection using the same method |
limit | int64 | Maximum number of records that can be fetch per request |
Definition for fields that are needed for storing the content
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | page name |
created_by | string | email of the user who is creating this content |
content | string | page content, expected to be serialized `JSON` string. |
namespace | string | namespace for the page, it is prepended to the name to generate an unique slug. |
slug | string | page slug. Look here to know about slug |
Field | Validations |
name |
created_by |
content |
namespace |
slug |
Definition for storing new content
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | StoreContentRequest.Data |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string | resource name |
attributes | NewContentAttributes |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | UpdateContentRequest.Data |
id | int64 |
update_mask | google.protobuf.FieldMask | An optional mask specifying which fields to update. Presence of this field allow partial updates. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string | resource name |
id | int64 | unique id |
attributes | ExistingContentAttributes |
The content service definition
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
GetContentBySlug | ContentRequest | Content | Gets the content of specified page(slug) |
GetContent | ContentIdRequest | Content | |
StoreContent | StoreContentRequest | Content | Store the content of a new page(slug) |
UpdateContent | UpdateContentRequest | Content | Update the content of an existing page |
DeleteContent | ContentIdRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Delete an existing page along with its content |
ListContents | ListParameters | ContentCollection | List contents using pagination, ten entries are retrieved by default |
AddTagRequest specifies a feature annotation and a tag to add to it.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | ID of feature annotation to modify |
tag | TagPropertyCreate | Tag to be added |
DbLink represents a reference to an external bioinformatics database entry.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
primary_id | string | Identifier of the linked database |
version | int64 | a number which differentiates between versions of the same object. Higher numbers are considered to be later and more relevant |
database | string | Source database |
linktype | string | Type of this dblink, for example 'protein' |
url | string | URL that is associated with this link |
label | string | A short name that is a possible alternative to the database name which could be used for display. |
Dbxref represents a deprecated cross-reference to an external database.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
dbxref_id | string | Identifier |
version | int64 |
database | string | Source database |
DeleteFeatureAnnotationRequest specifies a feature annotation to delete and
how to delete it.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | unique identifier for the feature annotation |
purge | bool | flag to indicate whether the entry will be wiped or turned obsolete(soft delete) |
FeatureAnnotation represents a complete feature annotation record with all
its metadata.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string |
id | string | unique identifier for the feature annotation |
attributes | FeatureAnnotationAttributes |
created_by | string | email id of the user who created the content |
updated_by | string | email id of the user who updated the content |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Timestamp for creation and update |
updated_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp |
is_obsolete | bool | Toggle the obsolete status |
version | int64 | Deprecated. |
Name | Option |
version | true |
FeatureAnnotationAttributes defines the core properties and metadata of a
feature annotation.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | Short human readable textual name |
synonyms | string | repeated | Alternate list of names |
publications | string | repeated | List of publications(doi identifiers) |
pubmed | string | repeated | List of pubmed id |
dbxrefs | Dbxref | repeated | Deprecated. |
dblinks | DbLink | repeated | Cross references to other databases |
properties | TagProperty | repeated | Bucket of key value pair data |
Name | Option |
dbxrefs | true |
FeatureAnnotationId is used to uniquely identify a feature annotation.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | unique identifier for the feature annotation |
FeatureAnnotationUpdate contains the fields needed to update an existing
feature annotation.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string |
id | string |
attributes | FeatureAnnotationAttributes |
updated_by | string | email id of the user who updated the content |
is_obsolete | bool | Toggle the obsolete status |
NewFeatureAnnotation contains all the information needed to create a new
feature annotation.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string |
attributes | FeatureAnnotationAttributes |
created_by | string | email id of the user who created the content |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Timestamp for creation and update |
updated_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp |
is_obsolete | bool | Toggle the obsolete status |
version | int64 | Deprecated. |
id | string | unique identifier for the feature annotation |
updated_by | string |
Name | Option |
version | true |
RemoveTagRequest specifies a feature annotation and a tag to remove from it.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | ID of feature annotation to modify |
tag | string | Tag to remove |
TagProperty represents a key-value pair structure with metadata for storing
custom attributes.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
tag | string |
value | string |
created_by | string | email id of the user who created the tag |
updated_by | string | email id of the user who updated the tag |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Timestamp for creation and update |
updated_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp |
TagPropertyCreate contains the minimal information needed to create a new tag
Field | Type | Label | Description |
tag | string |
value | string |
created_by | string | email id of the user who created the tag |
TagPropertyUpdate contains the information needed to update an existing tag
Field | Type | Label | Description |
tag | string |
value | string |
updated_by | string | email id of the user who created the tag |
UpdateTagRequest specifies a feature annotation and updated tag values.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | ID of feature annotation to modify |
tag | TagPropertyUpdate | Updated tag values |
The feature annotation service specification
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
CreateFeatureAnnotation | NewFeatureAnnotation | FeatureAnnotation | Create a feature annotation |
GetFeatureAnnotation | FeatureAnnotationId | FeatureAnnotation | Retrieves the specified feature annotation |
UpdateFeatureAnnotation | FeatureAnnotationUpdate | FeatureAnnotation | Update an existing feature annotation. Any given tag will be appended to the existing tags |
DeleteFeatureAnnotation | DeleteFeatureAnnotationRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Delete an existing feature annotation |
AddTag | AddTagRequest | FeatureAnnotation | Add tag to an existing feature annotation |
UpdateTag | UpdateTagRequest | FeatureAnnotation | Update an existing tag in a feature annotation |
RemoveTag | RemoveTagRequest | FeatureAnnotation | Remove a tag from a feature annotation |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | int64 | unique identifier for the organism |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
attributes | OrganismAttributes |
created_by | string | email id of the user who created the content |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
attributes | OrganismAttributes |
created_by | string | email id of the user who created the content |
updated_by | string | email id of the user who updated the content |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp |
updated_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp |
organism_id | int64 | Unique identifier for the organism |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
abbreviation | string | Abbreviated name of the organism |
common_name | string | Common name of the organism |
genus | string | Genus name |
species | string | Species name |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | Organism | repeated | Collection of organisms |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | int64 | unique identifier for the organism |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | unique identifier for the organism |
attributes | OrganismAttributes |
updated_by | string | email id of the user who updated the content |
The organism service specification
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
CreateOrganism | NewOrganism | Organism | Create a new organism |
GetOrganism | OrganismId | Organism | Retrieve an organism by ID |
UpdateOrganism | OrganismUpdate | Organism | Update an existing organism |
DeleteOrganism | DeleteOrganismRequest | .google.protobuf.Empty | Delete an organism |
ListOrganisms | .google.protobuf.Empty | OrganismCollection | List all organisms |
Message for linking feature to organism
Field | Type | Label | Description |
organism_id | int64 |
feature_id | string |
Message for updating organism-feature relationship
Field | Type | Label | Description |
feature_id | string |
new_organism_id | int64 |
The organism-feature relationship service specification
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
LinkFeatureToOrganism | OrganismFeatureLink | .google.protobuf.Empty | Link a feature annotation to an organism |
GetFeatureOrganism | FeatureAnnotationId | .dictybase.organism.Organism | Get organism for a feature |
UpdateFeatureOrganism | OrganismFeatureUpdate | .google.protobuf.Empty | Update feature's organism link |
RemoveFeatureOrganism | FeatureAnnotationId | .google.protobuf.Empty | Remove feature's organism link |
Definition for loading an existing order
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | ExistingOrder.Data |
Field | Validations |
data |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string | Resource name, by default should be order |
attributes | ExistingOrderAttributes |
Defines attributes for loading an existing order
Field | Type | Label | Description |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Time order was created |
updated_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Time order was updated |
purchaser | string | Person who is ordering (logged in user) |
items | string | repeated | List of items in the order, in this case it will be mostly biological stocks such as plasmids and strains |
Field | Validations |
created_at |
updated_at |
purchaser |
items |
ListParameters defines fields for manipulating output of Order collection
Field | Type | Label | Description |
cursor | int64 | A unique pointer to the next set of result in the list |
limit | int64 | Maximum number of records that can be fetch per request |
filter | string | The `filter` field restricts the data return by the collection. To use it, supply one or multiple allowed fields to filter followed by a filter expression. It uses the following syntax... field_name operator expression The following fields of `OrderAttributes` definition are allowed to be used for filtering * item - Items that are part of order (string). * courier - The courier used for delivery (string) * payment - Type of payment being used (string) * status - The status of the order (string) * created_at - Date the items are ordered (number), can be in the following formats: YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM, YYYY field_name - Any one of the allowed field_name of the `OrderAttributes` definition. operator - Defines the type of filter match to use. It could be any of the following four and all of them should be URL-encoded for http request. Operators for strings =~ Contains substring !~ Not contains substring === Equals !== Not equals Operators for number == Equals > Greater than < Less than <= Less than equal to >= Greater than equal to Operators for dates $== Equals $> Greater than $< Less than $<= Less than equal to $>= Greater than equal to expression - The value that will be included or excluded from the result. URL-reserved characters must be URL-encoded for http request. filter: "status===Shipped" filter: "courier===FedEx" Filter can be combined using OR or AND boolean logic. * The OR is represented using a comma(,). * The AND is represented using a semi-colon(;). * AND and OR operators can be combined and AND takes precedence over OR. filter: "courier===FedEx;payment===Credit" filter: "created_at$>=20181201" The sort field allow to sort the data return by the collection based on fields of `OrderAttributes. To use it, supply a comma separated one or more allowed field from the definition of `OrderAttributes`. |
Metadata definition for traversing the collection
Field | Type | Label | Description |
next_cursor | int64 | A unique pointer to the next set of result in the collection. Set the cursor value parameter to the value of next_cursor to retrieve the next set of collection using the same method |
limit | int64 | Maximum number of records that can be fetch per request |
total | int64 | Total number of records in the collection. |
Definition for creating a new order
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | NewOrder.Data |
Field | Validations |
data |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string | Resource name, by default should be order |
attributes | NewOrderAttributes |
Defines attributes for creating a new order
Field | Type | Label | Description |
courier | string | Name of courier for delivery |
courier_account | string | Account identification used for courier service |
comments | string | Any comments about the order |
payment | string | Type of payment being used |
purchase_order_num | string | Order number for purchase |
status | OrderStatus | Status of order |
consumer | string | Person (user) who is receiving the stocks in mail |
payer | string | Person (user) who is paying for the stocks |
purchaser | string | Person who is ordering (logged in user) |
items | string | repeated | List of items in the order, in this case it will be mostly biological stocks such as plasmids and strains |
Field | Validations |
courier |
courier_account |
payment |
purchase_order_num |
status |
consumer |
payer |
purchaser |
items |
Definition of an individual order
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | Order.Data |
Field | Validations |
data |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string | Resource name, by default should be order |
id | string | Unique identifier for the order |
attributes | OrderAttributes |
Definition of various order attributes
Field | Type | Label | Description |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Timestamp for creation |
updated_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Timestamp for update |
courier | string | Name of courier for delivery |
courier_account | string | Account identification used for courier service |
comments | string | Any comments about the order |
payment | string | Type of payment being used |
purchase_order_num | string | Order number for purchase |
status | OrderStatus | Status of order |
consumer | string | Person (user) who is receiving the stocks in mail |
payer | string | Person (user) who is paying for the stocks |
purchaser | string | Person who is ordering (logged in user) |
items | string | repeated | List of items in the order, in this case it will be mostly biological stocks such as plasmids and strains |
Field | Validations |
created_at |
updated_at |
List of orders
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | OrderCollection.Data | repeated |
meta | Meta |
Field | Validations |
data |
meta |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string | Resource name, by default should be order |
id | string | Unique identifier for the order |
attributes | OrderAttributes |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Unique identifier for the order |
Field | Validations |
id |
Definition for updating an existing order
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | OrderUpdate.Data |
Field | Validations |
data |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string | Resource name, by default should be order |
id | string | Unique identifier for the order |
attributes | OrderUpdateAttributes |
Field | Validations |
id |
Defines attributes for updating an existing order
Field | Type | Label | Description |
courier | string | Name of courier for delivery |
courier_account | string | Account identification used for courier service |
comments | string | Any comments about the order |
payment | string | Type of payment being used |
purchase_order_num | string | Order number for purchase |
status | OrderStatus | Status of order |
items | string | repeated | List of items in the order, in this case it will be mostly biological stocks such as plasmids and strains |
The pre-defined labels for order status
Name | Number | Description |
GROWING | 1 | |
The order service specification
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
GetOrder | OrderId | Order | Retrieves order by ID |
CreateOrder | NewOrder | Order | Create a new order |
UpdateOrder | OrderUpdate | Order | Update an existing order |
ListOrders | ListParameters | OrderCollection | List orders using pagination, ten entries are retrieved by default |
LoadOrder | ExistingOrder | Order | Load existing order |
PrepareForOrder | .google.protobuf.Empty | .google.protobuf.Empty | Clear database before loading existing orders |
Definition of an individual author
Field | Type | Label | Description |
last_name | string | Last name of the author |
first_name | string | First name of the author |
initials | string | Any initials of the author |
rank | int64 | Ranking of the author |
Defines fields for manipulating output of Publication collection
Field | Type | Label | Description |
cursor | int64 | A unique pointer to the next set of result in the list |
limit | int64 | Maximum number of records that can be fetch per request |
filter | string | The `filter` field restricts the data return by the collection. To use it, supply one or multiple allowed fields to filter followed by a filter expression. It uses the following syntax... field_name operator expression The following fields of `PublicationAttributes` definition are allowed to be used for filtering * journal - Journal where the publication was published (string) * year - Year publication was published (string) * pub_date - Date of publication (string) * pub_type - Type of publication (string) * source - Source of the publication (string) * issue - Issue of the publication (string) * status - Status of the publication (string) * author - Authors of the publication (string) field_name - Any one of the allowed field_name of the `PublicationAttributes` definition. operator - Defines the type of filter match to use. It could be any of the following four and all of them should be URL-encoded for http request. Operators for strings =~ Contains substring !~ Not contains substring === Equals !== Not equals Operators for number == Equals > Greater than < Less than =< Less than equal to >= Greater than equal to expression - The value that will be included or excluded from the result. URL-reserved characters must be URL-encoded for http request. filter: "pub_type===journal_article" filter: "source===pubmed" Filter can be combined using OR or AND boolean logic. * The OR is represented using a comma(,). * The AND is represented using a semi-colon(;). * AND and OR operators can be combined and AND takes precedence over OR. filter: "year==2008;journal===Genesis" Can also accept multiple authors. filter: "author===Vandelay;author===VanNostrand" The sort field allow to sort the data return by the collection based on fields of `PublicationAttributes. To use it, supply a comma separated one or more allowed field from the definition of `PublicationAttributes`. |
Metadata definition for traversing the collection
Field | Type | Label | Description |
next_cursor | int64 | A unique pointer to the next set of result in the collection. Set the cursor value parameter to the value of next_cursor to retrieve the next set of collection using the same method |
limit | int64 | Maximum number of records that can be fetch per request |
total | int64 | Total number of records in the collection. |
Definition for creating a new publication
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | NewPublication.Data |
Field | Validations |
data |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string | Resource name, by default should be publication |
attributes | PublicationAttributes |
Definition of an individual publication
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | Publication.Data |
Field | Validations |
data |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string | Resource name, by default should be publication |
id | string | Unique identifier for the publication |
attributes | PublicationAttributes |
Definition of various publication attributes
Field | Type | Label | Description |
doi | string | Digital object identifier for publication |
title | string | Title of publication |
abstract | string | Abstract of publication |
journal | string | Journal where the publication was published |
pub_date | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Date publication was published |
volume | string | Volume of the publication |
pages | string | Pages containing the publication |
issn | string | International Standard Serial Number of publication |
pub_type | string | Type of publication (i.e. "journal_article") |
source | string | Source of the publication (i.e. "pubmed") |
issue | string | Issue of the publication |
status | string | Status of the publication |
authors | Author | repeated | List of authors of the publication |
List of publications
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | PublicationCollection.Data | repeated |
meta | Meta |
Field | Validations |
data |
meta |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string | Resource name, by default should be publication |
id | string | Unique identifier for the publication |
attributes | PublicationAttributes |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Unique identifier for the publication |
Field | Validations |
id |
Definition for updating an existing publication
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | PublicationUpdate.Data |
Field | Validations |
data |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string | Resource name, by default should be publication |
id | string | Unique identifier for the publication |
attributes | PublicationUpdateAttributes |
Field | Validations |
id |
Defines attributes for updating an existing publication
Field | Type | Label | Description |
pub_date | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Date of publication |
volume | string | Volume of the publication |
pages | string | Pages containing the publication |
pub_type | string | Type of publication (i.e. "journal_article") |
source | string | Source of the publication (i.e. "pubmed") |
status | string | Status of the publication |
authors | Author | repeated | List of authors of the publication |
The publication service specification
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
GetPublication | PublicationId | Publication | Retrieves publication by ID |
CreatePublication | NewPublication | Publication | Create new publication |
UpdatePublication | PublicationUpdate | Publication | Update an existing publication |
DeletePublication | PublicationId | .google.protobuf.Empty | Delete an existing publication |
ListPublications | ListPublicationParameters | PublicationCollection | List all publications |
Definition for loading an existing plasmid
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | ExistingPlasmid.Data |
Field | Validations |
data |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string | Resource name |
id | string | Existing plasmid ID |
attributes | ExistingPlasmidAttributes |
Defines attributes for loading an existing plasmid
Field | Type | Label | Description |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Timestamp for creation |
updated_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Timestamp for update |
created_by | string | User who created stock entry |
updated_by | string | User who updated stock entry |
summary | string | Summary of the stock |
editable_summary | string | Editable version of the stock summary (Slate JSON format) |
genes | string | repeated | List of associated genes |
dbxrefs | string | repeated | List of database cross references |
depositor | string | Depositor of the stock |
publications | string | repeated | List of related publications |
image_map | string | Image map for the plasmid |
sequence | string | Sequence for the plasmid |
name | string | Unambiguous name for the plasmid |
dicty_plasmid_property | string | dictybase specific plasmid property that will map to dicty_plasmid_keyword ontology |
Field | Validations |
created_at |
updated_at |
created_by |
name |
Definition for loading an existing strain
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | ExistingStrain.Data |
Field | Validations |
data |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string | Resource name |
id | string | Existing strain ID |
attributes | ExistingStrainAttributes |
Defines attributes for loading an existing strain
Field | Type | Label | Description |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Timestamp for creation |
updated_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Timestamp for update |
created_by | string | User who created stock entry |
updated_by | string | User who updated stock entry |
summary | string | Summary of the stock |
editable_summary | string | Editable version of the stock summary (Slate JSON format) |
genes | string | repeated | List of associated genes |
dbxrefs | string | repeated | List of database cross references |
depositor | string | Depositor of the stock |
publications | string | repeated | List of related publications |
label | string | Descriptor for the strain, a quick overview of its key genetic modifications |
species | string | Species of the strain |
plasmid | string | Related plasmid for the strain |
parent | string | Parent of the strain |
names | string | repeated | List of names for the strain |
dicty_strain_property | string | dictybase specific strain property that will map to dicty_strain_property ontology |
Field | Validations |
created_at |
updated_at |
created_by |
updated_by |
label |
species |
Metadata definition for traversing the collection
Field | Type | Label | Description |
next_cursor | int64 | A unique pointer to the next set of result in the collection. Set the cursor value parameter to the value of next_cursor to retrieve the next set of collection using the same method |
limit | int64 | Maximum number of records that can be fetch per request |
total | int64 | Total number of records in the collection. |
Definition for creating a new plasmid
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | NewPlasmid.Data |
Field | Validations |
data |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string | Resource name |
attributes | NewPlasmidAttributes |
Defines attributes for creating a new plasmid
Field | Type | Label | Description |
created_by | string | User who created stock entry |
updated_by | string | User who updated stock entry |
summary | string | Summary of the stock |
editable_summary | string | Editable version of the stock summary (Slate JSON format) |
genes | string | repeated | List of associated genes |
dbxrefs | string | repeated | List of database cross references |
depositor | string | Depositor of the stock |
publications | string | repeated | List of related publications |
image_map | string | Image map for the plasmid |
sequence | string | Sequence for the plasmid |
name | string | Unambiguous name for the plasmid |
dicty_plasmid_property | string | dictybase specific plasmid property that will map to dicty_plasmid_keyword ontology |
Field | Validations |
created_by |
updated_by |
depositor |
name |
Definition for creating a new strain
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | NewStrain.Data |
Field | Validations |
data |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string | Resource name |
attributes | NewStrainAttributes |
Defines attributes for creating a new strain
Field | Type | Label | Description |
created_by | string | User who created stock entry |
updated_by | string | User who updated stock entry |
summary | string | Summary of the stock |
editable_summary | string | Editable version of the stock summary (Slate JSON format) |
genes | string | repeated | List of associated genes |
dbxrefs | string | repeated | List of database cross references |
depositor | string | Depositor of the stock |
publications | string | repeated | List of related publications |
label | string | Descriptor for the strain, a quick overview of its key genetic modifications |
species | string | Species of the strain |
plasmid | string | Related plasmid for the strain |
parent | string | Parent of the strain |
names | string | repeated | List of names for the strain |
dicty_strain_property | string | dictybase specific strain property that will map to dicty_strain_property ontology |
Field | Validations |
created_by |
updated_by |
depositor |
label |
species |
Definition of an individual plasmid
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | Plasmid.Data |
Field | Validations |
data |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string | Resource name |
id | string | Unique identifier for the plasmid |
attributes | PlasmidAttributes |
Definition of various stock attributes
Field | Type | Label | Description |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Timestamp for creation |
updated_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Timestamp for update |
created_by | string | User who created stock entry |
updated_by | string | User who updated stock entry |
summary | string | Summary of the stock |
editable_summary | string | Editable version of the stock summary (Slate JSON format) |
depositor | string | Depositor of the stock |
genes | string | repeated | List of associated genes |
dbxrefs | string | repeated | List of database cross references |
publications | string | repeated | List of related publications |
image_map | string | Image map for the plasmid |
sequence | string | Sequence for the plasmid |
name | string | Unambiguous name for the plasmid |
dicty_plasmid_property | string | dictybase specific plasmid property that will map to dicty_plasmid_keyword ontology |
Field | Validations |
created_at |
updated_at |
created_by |
updated_by |
name |
List of plasmids
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | PlasmidCollection.Data | repeated |
meta | Meta |
Field | Validations |
meta |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string | Resource name |
id | string | Unique identifier for the stock |
attributes | PlasmidAttributes |
Definition for creating a new plasmid
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | PlasmidUpdate.Data |
Field | Validations |
data |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string | Resource name |
id | string | Unique ID for plasmid |
attributes | PlasmidUpdateAttributes |
Field | Validations |
id |
Defines attributes for updating a plasmid
Field | Type | Label | Description |
updated_by | string | User who updated stock entry |
summary | string | Summary of the stock |
editable_summary | string | Editable version of the stock summary (Slate JSON format) |
depositor | string | Depositor of the stock |
genes | string | repeated | List of associated genes |
dbxrefs | string | repeated | List of database cross references |
publications | string | repeated | List of related publications |
image_map | string | Image map for the plasmid |
sequence | string | Sequence for the plasmid |
name | string | Unambiguous name for the plasmid |
dicty_plasmid_property | string | dictybase specific plasmid property that will map to dicty_plasmid_keyword ontology |
Field | Validations |
updated_by |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Unique identifier for the stock |
Field | Validations |
id |
Definition for list of unique stock identifier
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | repeated |
Field | Validations |
id |
StockParameters defines fields for manipulating output of Stock collection
Field | Type | Label | Description |
cursor | int64 | A unique pointer to the next set of result in the list (default is 0) |
limit | int64 | Maximum number of records that can be fetch per request (default is 10) |
filter | string | The `filter` field restricts the data return by the collection. To use it, supply one or multiple allowed fields to filter followed by a filter expression. It uses the following syntax... field_name operator expression The following fields of `StockAttributes` definition are allowed to be used for filtering * depositor - Depositor of the stock (string) * parent - Parental strain (string) (currently not implemented) * plasmid - Related plasmid for the strain (string) * species - The species of the strain (string) * summary - Summary of the stock (string) * name - Name used for strain (string), searches in the "names" attribute * descriptor - Descriptor for the strain (string), searches in the "label" attribute * plasmid_name - Name used for plasmid (string) * created_at - Date the stock was created (number), can be in the following formats: YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM, YYYY * updated_at - Date the stock was updated (number), can be in the following formats: YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM, YYYY field_name - Any one of the allowed field_name of the `StockAttributes` definition. operator - Defines the type of filter match to use. It could be any of the following four and all of them should be URL-encoded for http request. Operators for strings =~ Contains substring !~ Not contains substring === Equals != Not equals Operators for number == Equals > Greater than < Less than <= Less than equal to >= Greater than equal to Operators for dates $== Equals $> Greater than $< Less than $<= Less than equal to $>= Greater than equal to Operators for items in arrays @=~ Contains substring @!~ Not contains substring (not implemented yet) @== Equals @!= Not equals expression - The value that will be included or excluded from the result. URL-reserved characters must be URL-encoded for http request. filter: "created_at$>=2018-12-01" filter: "depositor===Costanza" Filter can be combined using OR or AND boolean logic. * The OR is represented using a comma(,). * The AND is represented using a semi-colon(;). * AND and OR operators can be combined and AND takes precedence over OR. filter: "depositor===Benes;created_at$>=2018-12-01" The sort field allow to sort the data return by the collection based on fields of `StockAttributes. To use it, supply a comma separated one or more allowed field from the definition of `StockAttributes`. |
Definition of an individual strain
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | Strain.Data |
Field | Validations |
data |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string | Resource name |
id | string | Unique identifier for the strain |
attributes | StrainAttributes |
Definition of various strain attributes
Field | Type | Label | Description |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Timestamp for creation |
updated_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Timestamp for update |
created_by | string | User who created stock entry |
updated_by | string | User who updated stock entry |
summary | string | Summary of the stock |
editable_summary | string | Editable version of the stock summary (Slate JSON format) |
depositor | string | Depositor of the stock |
genes | string | repeated | List of associated genes |
dbxrefs | string | repeated | List of database cross references |
publications | string | repeated | List of related publications |
label | string | Descriptor for the strain, a quick overview of its key genetic modifications |
species | string | Species of the strain |
plasmid | string | Related plasmid for the strain |
parent | string | Parent of the strain |
names | string | repeated | List of names for the strain |
dicty_strain_property | string | dictybase specific strain property that will map to dicty_strain_property ontology |
Field | Validations |
created_at |
updated_at |
created_by |
updated_by |
label |
species |
List of strains
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | StrainCollection.Data | repeated |
meta | Meta |
Field | Validations |
meta |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string | Resource name |
id | string | Unique identifier for the stock |
attributes | StrainAttributes |
List of strains without any metadata for pagination
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | StrainList.Data | repeated |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string | Resource name |
id | string | Unique identifier for the stock |
attributes | StrainAttributes |
Definition for creating a new strain
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | StrainUpdate.Data |
Field | Validations |
data |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string | Resource name |
id | string | Unique ID for strain |
attributes | StrainUpdateAttributes |
Field | Validations |
id |
Defines attributes for updating a strain
Field | Type | Label | Description |
updated_by | string | User who updated stock entry |
summary | string | Summary of the stock |
editable_summary | string | Editable version of the stock summary (Slate JSON format) |
depositor | string | Depositor of the stock |
genes | string | repeated | List of associated genes |
dbxrefs | string | repeated | List of database cross references |
publications | string | repeated | List of related publications |
label | string | Descriptor for the strain, a quick overview of its key genetic modifications |
species | string | Species of the strain |
plasmid | string | Related plasmid for the strain |
parent | string | Parent of the strain |
names | string | repeated | List of names for the strain |
dicty_strain_property | string | dictybase specific strain property that will map to dicty_strain_property ontology |
Field | Validations |
updated_by |
The stock service specification
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
GetStrain | StockId | Strain | Retrieves strain by ID |
GetPlasmid | StockId | Plasmid | Retrieves stock by ID |
CreateStrain | NewStrain | Strain | Create a new strain |
CreatePlasmid | NewPlasmid | Plasmid | Create a new plasmid |
UpdateStrain | StrainUpdate | Strain | Update an existing strain |
UpdatePlasmid | PlasmidUpdate | Plasmid | Update an existing plasmid |
RemoveStock | StockId | .google.protobuf.Empty | Remove an existing stock |
ListStrains | StockParameters | StrainCollection | List strains using pagination, ten entries are retrieved by default |
ListStrainsByIds | StockIdList | StrainList | List strains using strain id without any pagination |
ListPlasmids | StockParameters | PlasmidCollection | List plasmids using pagination, ten entries are retrieved by default |
LoadStrain | ExistingStrain | Strain | Load existing strain |
LoadPlasmid | ExistingPlasmid | Plasmid | Load existing plasmid |
OboJSONFileUpload | .dictybase.api.upload.FileUploadRequest stream | .dictybase.api.upload.FileUploadResponse | Upload obojson formatted file through client side streaming |
.proto Type | Notes | C++ | Java | Python | Go | C# | PHP | Ruby |
double | double | double | float | float64 | double | float | Float | |
float | float | float | float | float32 | float | float | Float | |
int32 | Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead. | int32 | int | int | int32 | int | integer | Bignum or Fixnum (as required) |
int64 | Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead. | int64 | long | int/long | int64 | long | integer/string | Bignum |
uint32 | Uses variable-length encoding. | uint32 | int | int/long | uint32 | uint | integer | Bignum or Fixnum (as required) |
uint64 | Uses variable-length encoding. | uint64 | long | int/long | uint64 | ulong | integer/string | Bignum or Fixnum (as required) |
sint32 | Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s. | int32 | int | int | int32 | int | integer | Bignum or Fixnum (as required) |
sint64 | Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s. | int64 | long | int/long | int64 | long | integer/string | Bignum |
fixed32 | Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28. | uint32 | int | int | uint32 | uint | integer | Bignum or Fixnum (as required) |
fixed64 | Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56. | uint64 | long | int/long | uint64 | ulong | integer/string | Bignum |
sfixed32 | Always four bytes. | int32 | int | int | int32 | int | integer | Bignum or Fixnum (as required) |
sfixed64 | Always eight bytes. | int64 | long | int/long | int64 | long | integer/string | Bignum |
bool | bool | boolean | boolean | bool | bool | boolean | TrueClass/FalseClass | |
string | A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text. | string | String | str/unicode | string | string | string | String (UTF-8) |
bytes | May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes. | string | ByteString | str | []byte | ByteString | string | String (ASCII-8BIT) |