$_> modware-export chado2alignmentgff3 [-?chlopu] [long options...] --write_sequence_region write sequence region header in GFF3 output, default if off -h -? --usage --help Prints this usage information. --feature_name Output feature name instead of sequence id in the seq_id field, default is off. --rt --reference_type The SO type of reference feature, default is supercontig -o --output Name of the output file, if absent writes to STDOUT --feature_type SO type of alignment features to be exported --attr --attribute Additional database attribute --match_type SO type of alignment feature that will be exported in GFF3, *_match* is appended to the feature_type by default. --pass -p --password database password --force_name Adds the value of GFF3 *ID* attribute to *Name* attribute(if absent), off by default --add_description If present, add the GFF3 *Note* attribute. It looks for a feature property with *description* cvterm. Off by default --dsn database DSN --property List of additional cvterms which will be used to extract additional feature properties --schema_debug Output SQL statements that are executed, default to false -u --user database user --log_level Log level of the logger, default is error -l --logfile Name of logfile, default goes to STDERR --species Name of species --genus Name of the genus -c --configfile yaml config file to specify all command line options --org --organism Common name of the organism whose genomic features will be exported